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We Need This Kind Of Person In This World

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Posted to the web: 10/29/2007 4:38:12 PM

MY DESIRE ALWAYS IS TO CHANGE LIVES If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.
Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.'
    My life is an example to anybody that may wish to quit on the way.at the hopeless situation,just hold on a moment and press a little bit further,your success has been announced.
The better part of ones life comes on your investment to others,that is giving a helping hand to someone which may not pay you as you may think immediately, but just keep doing it.one day your good will will find you out and you will be announced to your generation.
   think about what you can do just to help someone not for anything in return but to give a lift to someone,as you make this your hobby, the world will be yours.start now if you have not started yet.this is the secreet of worldchangers.
  why answer a rich man while many around you are in poverty? your wealth is measured not by how much you have but how many people you could give a lift in life.
what you want may not be found at that place you placed your hope, why not look within you and discover what you can do best!!!,hush a liitle,can it be arranged into a service which people may want to buy? write them out and take a little time to study about such and also know if there are people that has the same potentials and what they are doing with it and how they must have succeeded to the point they are presently.
   get back to the owner which is Lord of your life,seek Him, spend quality time with him and ask him to unveil the book of your life to you.beleive me He will do that for you.watch out for the kind of ideas he will put into you, write them down and work with it right away.
  the world has been waiting for you all these while!! what have you beeen waiting for? have you noticed that you are the best the world have ever known? now that you have known, rise up and begin to shine.
i prefer to use what God has blessed me with to touch lives around me always he said.

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