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Where Is the Love?

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Author: David
Posted to the web: 8/6/2007 3:50:48 AM

Where is the love?Yes, this is the most unanswered question in the world today. Where is the LOVE?Obviously if we can find the love and cherish the love, nowadays, this world will be a better place to live. And we can lead a life of perfection and picture the kingdom of GodAnd there will be harmony and peace for there will be nothing like the nuke proliferation, kidnapping, terrorism, selfishness and embezzlement just to mention but few. But the LOVE is available. We don’t just want it. This is because the LOVE is GOD.And GOD is the LOVE and that is the truth and GOD is the TRUTH. That is why the love is missing because God has been rejected by many but they still claim to know God and fight for God and work for God and strive for God and care for God andlive for God but in the real sense it’s the opposite. They ain’t know the truth, they ain’t have no love, they ain’t know GOD. They worship the God they don’t know.Ok, take for instance, the Taliban in Afghanistan who captured the Christian missionaries and murdered them one by one just because of their internal political crises.But they claim this as holy war(Jihad) fighting for allah, who they call God. After killing every innocent they kidnapped, they shouted allah ak baru. Hahaa.They think it Godly action.If truly they serve God, will God ever tell them to kill other disciples, or missionary or pastors on Goodwill duty or people who also work for Him? This is a misrepresentation of God and typical heresy from the bottom of hell. They don’t know God thus they don’t have Love. Can you see that? How can that be God's wish?The word of God in the book of 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 “If I speak in tongues of men and of angels,but have not love,I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal..2. If I have the gift of prophesy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,and if I have faith that can move mountains but have not love,I am nothing. 3. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,but have not love, I gain nothing.4. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5. It is not rude,it is not self-seeking,it is easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs.6. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.7. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.These are just a few of the characteristics of love, embodiment of the spirit of God.Even in our churches today, love is lacking or disappearing rapidly. In those days churches in Nigeria , love used to be the ultimate and their watch word.Churches like Gospel faith mission, Deeper Christian life ministries, the apostolic faith, the Baptist church, and some others. These churches were doing like the apostles in the book of Act .4. 32-36. All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but shared everything they had. This is true love. This is God in demonstration. Even the common sense confirms that it's an act of GodIn those days, when I was in school, I could remember how many students from poor families and lots of destitute students brilliant or dull,Igbo,Yoruba or hausa were been sponsored by gospel faith mission. I could remember how Deeper life church Used to give food to the poor frequently. I mean the love is so great and God really move and touched people's lives physical then unlike the artificial commercial miraclesof these days. I am one of the kids that witnessed the Love exhibited by the churchand vowed to know more about the God and the gospel they used to propagate those days. Though, later I forgot the vow as I have been engulf' by the lies of today's church.Even thereafter, I have been hunted by this love and I just understand that I can’t hide nor denounce this great love of God but identify with the message of the cross spread with love by these people.Hence, the fruit of love,the product of faith that works.The early Pentecostal churches in Nigeria demonstrated that true love and showed that they have God and that they know Him.Even then we used to have God fearing leaders.But now, where is the love? Even our pastors today have to answer this question, where is the love? Even at work as a civil servant, do you show the Love?Do you love?Dou you forgive?Do you bless instead of curse? Search your heart deep down. Do you really know God? Do you really know the God you serve? Are you not selfish? Where is the love. Even in the government circle,where is the love?This message is for us to check our lives and prepare for the second coming of Jesus.However, we are not condemning the new churche of today.There are truths and there are lies. But majorities of them sprang up to distract the saints and many believers.Devil knows he has a short time so he is all out like never before to complete his mission and some big fish in Christiandom who used to be true prophet of God are be decieved and derailed too by the new preachers and churches of today. And some men of God who are too special to fall and go to hell were been taken away before their time by God.That is why we don't have to cry when we hear about the death of a man of God.God takes them away before they fall if there is a big trap they can't avoid in the future. One clear example is the one I saw clearly about the CAC pastor Afalohan. I saw everything and he is in heaven rejoicing after he died at a middle age. Oh, God is love. Please, let's emulate God in love and that will settle everything. We shouldn't forsake the first love. We should embrase the truth. Let refresh Christ in our lives. let's us not loose our grip on the reality.I know what I saw recently, I know what I heard this year,some months ago,some weeks ago. It's real. I am not crasy or hallucinating. Christ is coming back very soon. And I can't help telling people about it expecially the believers who are going weary. I don't wanna do this but I have no choice. I don't even want to think about it because of fear. But so that everyone will be justified. It must be said. He is coming very soon.Heaven will open, flame will burst forth from the sky. The King will appear. Are you prepared?God bless you.Isaish Commission.N.B : your comments are always welcome.

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