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The Lost Old Sermon Of Those Days

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Author: David Ariyo
Posted to the web: 7/31/2007 1:02:34 PM

Where is the old sermon of those days?

Those days gospel in Nigeria used to be like” Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. It used to be like” My brother, are you prepared for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? He may come today or tomorrow. Don’t plan to repent tomorrow, today is your chance.” Bla bla bla. But what happens today. Sermons like offerings, money anointing, holy chocolate and apple pie, give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over not minding the sources, even if you loot the government treasury and misappropriate the public fund or you go yahoo yahoo . Just give

Even those powerful churches those days who held holiness in high esteem and give no dame are now rapidly or completely loosing their grip on the reality just because they are loosing their members to the fake churches of today  and therefore adjusting in the way of so call Americanized or new generation churches springing up in Nigeria and some places today. And all pastors want to wear flowing gown(Agbada) and walk majestically.Haaa.Well,it's not bad.

People of God, let us go back to the bases. We should not forget that our home is not this world but heaven above. Enmity with God is friendship with the world and vise versa. What profit a man who gain the whole world and forfeit his precious life. Life is so precious that it has no duplicate. We all have one life and after that death and after that judgment. You will be weighed and measured. You dare not be found wanting. So, how to do? What is the remedy? What is the way to salvation? The answer is always the same. Be not of equal yoke with the sinners, the children of perdition. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ and receive the Holy spirit who will be the director of your life. Follow peace and holiness with all men without which no one can see the kingdom of God. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and the rest shall be added unto you. Do not allow the love of money to serve as hindrance for you to the kingdom of God. God has prepared everything for man’s survival ever before creating man. You can’t serve God and be poor. He will supply our needs according to His riches through Christ Jesus.

And those who are already saved shouldn’t loose their grip on the reality because of money and the anxiety of this world. Though, almost every believer of this generation even including me have made a costly mistake in the past and some still making it now. Yes, we are Nigerians..  Let’s replace our hypocrisy with through religion and shasing the sun into reality. Let’s whole heartedly look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith and He will never fail us.

Brothers and sisters in the Lord, if we look deeply into our lives, we will see that we all err and deny God in many ways just because of money. May God help us.

God bless you.

Isaiah commission.

Please, feel free to send your comments or suggestions as led by the Spirit to this link.

       roy_david2003@yahoo.com  or roy_david2004@hotmail.com

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