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We Need a Change In Our Society To Stop the Terrifying Pains of Our Mother In Nigeria and All Over Africa (Circrumcision)

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Posted to the web: 7/28/2007 10:52:33 AM

THE issue of female circumcision ranks high as one of the many cases of domestic violence in Edo state Nigeria.Otherwise known as female genital mutilation, female circumcision is seen as a sure cure for sexual promiscuity among women. However, ancient folklore reveals how female genital mutilation helps to ward off certain kinds of diseases in women in the olden times.Though considered as barbaric, the hygienic potentials of female circumcision commend it to successive generations of  Edo families.The superstitious impetus of female circumcision could not be lost on anyone who desires a deep knowledge of the practice in Edo state Nigeria.It is believed that women like Adanehmen Doris, who are not circumcised make love to spirits in their sleep who, in turn, cause unhealthy appetite for sexual intercourse. It is also said that such women give birth to (Spiritual children).With such unwholesome tales, out of fear and possible stigmatization, most mothers make sure that they circumcised their daughters.Circumcision is done to arrest the interest and arousal for sex by the womenfolk and to avoid giving birth to children who would live for short periods of time, die and come back to their mothers’ womb only to be born and continue the cycle, bringing grief and pain to the family.In some instances, women who give birth to such children are regarded as having spiritual husbands and are thus, taken through a ritual bath. This ritual, which involves taking the woman to a fast flowing river, attracts general feeling of sadness against the mother for failing to circumcise her daughter during her childhood or seven days before her marriage.Women who fail to circumcise their daughters are usually blamed for their negligence.
Adanehmen Doris, a Nigerian from Edo state,who larmented recently that she fled Nigeria because her parents made it a must that she must be circumcise before she get`s marriad to her husband.She made up her notion this way,that female circumcision in Africa involves the forcible and barbaric removal and or mutilation of the female sex organ (clitoris) with a knife, razor-blade and stones, name it; such fabrication seems unreasonable,which she notified,that one of her friends bleeds to death after circumcision was carriedout by members of her family and the native doctor.However, circumcision is an age old ritual, (a rite) that the individual female go through. A look into the history will reveal that the Rite was designed by women for women and not by men as African observers and critics may want people to belive. The Rite involves the removal of  (clitoris) of the child.This is done seven days before the bride goes to the husband.Somany girls go through rituals every day in Nigeria,and other part of the country,all in the name of circumcision. The act of circumcision varies from place to place in Nigeria,but the practice as here being described is done among the people of Edo State of Nigeria and they are proud of it. Generally, circumcision has been an age old custom in Africa with its profound importance.In some part of Edo state,all females must be circumcised physically before adult-hood or before they get married to their husbands.This means that the child must experience the pain, which was unavoidable.This has a mystical implication to the adept and the elderly. The pain they experience during circumcision is the price they pay for maturity; un- circumcised female is like one standing in a threshold that must be crossed by an initiate.Circumcision must therefore be seen as an initiation.
Today, most female like Adanehmen Doris ,are circumcised within the first seven days before they are handover to their husband and everything heals-up with the umbilical cord. This period of circumcision has taken away the joy and beauty  of the female summoned by the parents of the new initiate. A sumptuous dish made of Ukpioli soup with special fresh water fish (dried) called Etta, is prepared in which all partake in unison.Those who have not been circumcised cannot come close at this time for they do not qualify.On this occasion,the initiates tell what their experiences were during their circumcision; it was a time to know the brave ones and the weak, that is, those who cried when they were being circumcised.The girls have always been different because a girl is circumcised only seven days before she leaves her parent's home on the seventh day to her husband in marriage.The circumcision is the actual wedding of the girl, the rest ceremonies are a mere mundane jubilation and celebrations marking the crossing from the threshold of girl-hood to adult woman-hood. An unwed girl cannot be referred to as a woman; she is a girl, (Omosi) until circumcised. A bud is not a Rose until it blossoms. From the first day of the last seven days in her parent's home, all the newly wed's age group and the younger ones congregate at her home every night to celebrate with her as part of the seven day ritual. There are plenty of songs to sing every night. The suitor comes around with his colleagues of his to give gifts to those singing and other relatives and friends who are present,this goes on for six days,the seventh day is a different night that has its' own profound experiences and joy for all concerned.
Girls are usually now circumcised when they are babies, therefore, contemporarily, it is a symbolic circumcision that is done when getting married. The elderly women in the community perform the act and art, called 'Urthuamhi' on the girls; no man is allowed to come near the area when it is done. It is clear from this narration of the procedure that female circumcision was designed by women for women. All that I have said, and I am saying here are practiced in Edo State of Nigeria, popularly known as Benin in African History. Benin City is now the Capital of Edo State,it is possible that a similar thing is what is done in other parts of Africa with some variation dictated by the culture of the people.Girls’ circumcisions have always been different.Especially when the girl becomes pregnant before her wedding which Adanehmen Doris ,suffered.Such a girl who becomes pregnant prior to her wedding in the past, has brought shame to herself and her family.Their reasons ranged from maintenance of strong cultural traditions to various beliefs such as reduction of sexual promiscuity, prevention of perinatal mortality and reduction of excessive vaginal secretion. Complications encountered from female circumcision included severe pain, excessive bleeding, urinary retention and pyrexia as a result of sepsis.
Female genital mutilation is a traditional practice in many parts of Nigeria,Especially in Edo state,and it is regarded as an initiation rite that every girl must undergo before marriage. Elderly traditional practitioners who have neither medical training nor formal knowledge about anatomy often carry it out, and severe complications have occurred to women who undergo circumcision.One reason that the practice has endured for so long among Nigerians despite its obvious danger is the notion that uncircumcised girls tend to be promiscuous. In many parts of Nigeria, girls who are uncircumcised are regarded as likely to have an unbridled appetite for sex, and some men will refuse to marry such women, particularly in the rural communities. Lately, the fear of the spread of HIV infection from unsterilised knives and other instruments has also helped to fuel the crusade against female genital mutilation.Female genital mutilation is a cultural practice that has been with the Edo people from time immemorial. We now know that this is a myth and a harmful belief that militates against women's health in Nigeria.Culture is dynamic and not static, therefore as we grow as a people we should easily abandon those beliefs that are harmful or work injustice to any segment of our society for our women like Adanehmen Doris, You all know that previously twins were killed at birth in Calabar eastern part of Nigeria because they were regarded as an evil omen.Today the situation has changed because the people were made to realize that such a belief was repugnant.So the Edo State Nigeria must change their beliefs as well.
Female genital mutilation,called clitoridectomy in modern medicine,involves the yanking off of the clitoris, the most sensitive part of the female orifice. In Edo state Nigeria,the instrument of the art inspires much awe with its crudity and savage look. A hard metal carving knife is usually used in cutting the clitoris,whereupon herbal concoctions are used to stop blood flow and ameliorate the excruciating pains. As the child cries, the mother takes pleasure in the feeling that, at least, she has a normal woman made ready for her husband’s ecstasy. To further speed up the healing process, palm oil is applied to the wound intermittently using a feather to spread the oil along the cut edges of the former position occupied by the clitoris.According to ancient folklore, it is alleged that one of the benefits of female circumcision is that during child birth the woman does not go through birth pangs.Most of the women who undergo female circumcision are said to have easy passageduring delivery. They are also adjudged to be hardworking and productive in the farms.However, a lot of criticisms have been directed at female genital mutilation, especially given the prevalence of certain diseases and because of the influence of modern education. Above all, female circumcision inhibits the sexuality of women, thereby leading to incessant marital squabbles and even divorce.Women who are circumcised are known to find it hard to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse, a situation that leads to marital disharmony and frustration. The practice has been seen as a source of a lot of health hazards.

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