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China/Africa Relation, A New Hide and Seek

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Author: Animashaun
Posted to the web: 7/16/2007 11:25:23 PM

I wonder when we Africans will really stand up and unite as a nation and reject odium and redicules the outsiders throw at us.
We know that the Westerners first invaded Africa on religious intension before they became a network of bones that hook our throat and created a big pain for us till today.
We obviously know that the same is applicable to the invasion os Northern Africans by the Arabs. Everybody sees Africa as a week race and gullible people and so they invade the land and what they introduced is HYPOCRAZY instead of RELIGION,HATRED instead of LOVE, DEVIL instead of GOD, NIGHTMARE instead of DREAMS.  That is why there are religious violence,tribal war, political imbroglow , nepotism,tribalism,fanatism,critism,terrosim and the likes in Africa today.All these problems were obviously caused by the intruders, agent of darkness, evil people with white skin but devlish hearts from Arab and the West.
Now, we are still mending with the pain they left in Africa.
As if that is not enough, alas, here comes a new player, China.They dont have any excuse like religiou to invade Africa, because they know it's too late since Africa is already flooded with foreign religion.So, their scheme now is ECONOMY and China is using that word and others like Friendship, win win ,development e.t.c to penetrate Africa and make our leaders a bunch of sell outs.
If you dont get close to the Chinese, you can never know how cunning,trickish,disgusting, they are. Some of them are good and kind indeed,but most of them can really piss one off.
Now on air ,in the media, we see how China is developing very fast but we dont find out what is the secret.Of'course they wont let you know.
We see on TV how China is helping Africa but we dont find out how they treat African citizens in thier country. Chinese people are the worst racist on earth not even England,America nor France. A black man cant see a chinese person seat beside him on the bus.They haul insults on blacks in China.They spit everywhere,they dont have courtesy,they smoke everywhere,they are so dirty.You have to really know them.Them treat Africans with odium and redicule here in China and yet claim, lament and trumpet that they are the friend of Africa to redeem Africa from the perniciou situation they find themselves from the the hand of the colonial masters.This is just a game of HIDE AND SEEK China is trying to play in other to keep their economy growing.
While Chinese citizens are been treated well in Africa, African citizen are been treated bad in China. the worset part of it is that The ambassadors here dont do anything to improve the well being of Africans.The worst of them is Nigerian ambassador,the embassy of nigeria in China is now a business center and the ambassador is the managing director.It's really a pity that we Africa dont want to help ourselves and free ourselves from mental slavery.
In conclussion,I want to say that the love,help,and the incentives from china to Africa is just decoil and conditional help. If not, why do they mock Africans in China and subject them to a redicule,hardship and discremination? They even look at African like people still swinging from trees to tress. But indeed, they are the real ape if you look at their life carefully.
God bless Africa.

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