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Nigeria Will Be Great Again

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Author: Ojeremen Stephen
Posted to the web: 6/6/2007 3:51:26 PM

Nigerians are the most tolerance and God fearing people on earth,because after so many case study regarding the intriques and power play in Nigeria polity,i concluded that its time for the present administration to start what i described as a grass root programme that will bring positive change to our YOUTHS.


The common people constitute about ninety percent of the Nigeria populace who hitherto have been left in utter negligence and deprivation characterized by abject indigency and squalor.No food,shelter,portable water,electricity hospitals,employment.The educational institutions are in a state of impoverishment.Although during the Presidential election campaigns ,President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, had promised in his election manifesto to remedy all these malaise up on assumption of office as the President of Nigeria,but the nagging million dollar questions are; considering that the erswhile President Obasanjo is the political GODFATHER of  President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, won't he follow the precepts and precedence set by his icon to premise? Obasanjo met fuel at twenty naira per litre in 1999 but left same at seventy-five naira upon leaving office.


Nigeria is a blessed country with vast natural and human resources that can turned the lives of One hundred and fifty million Nigerians around and the four corners of Africa in general. Politically,Nigeria is one of the richest country in the world,economically Nigeria is one of the poorest country in the world,while we have all it takes to make the ordinary Nigerian have a good standard life.If we are only for ourselves,what are our lives for?Nigeria leaders,make a difference,make Nigeria a better place for all.


What has happened to the Nigerian Youths? Some of Nigerians have NO confidence and have lost interest in sending their children to school because some of our graduates are not recognised in the society anymore because after many years of graduation from school,NO employment to enable them earn a living therefore school leavers and university graduates are made jobless and provied fertile ground for them to choose whatever they want to become in life.Some of them end up being political thugs,robbers,hired assasins,ritual killers etc.because they are less priviledged and do not have any Godfathers to fix them up through front and back doors which is the only way out people gain employments in Nigeria this days.All this must stop for God to move us forward.


The present administration must  do away with the same old leaders who has been in the government since independence.There is no reason for not bringing youths into the mainstream of leadership because,the future of Nigeria depends on the youths, so President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua,have to maximise their boundless potentials.Some years back Nigerians do not have any habit or zeal to leave their countrey to Europe,America,Canada and the rest of other parts of the world,but today Nigerians are all over the world hoping to make a good living because our leaders has bastardize the Nigeria system making the citizen to go through  hard way of life.If the Nigeria government today makes up their mind to distabilized their evil ways of corruption,the rest of the world will make Nigeria their destination because,we have all it takes to make the rest of the world want to come to our Great country Nigeria to invest by contributing to the already too much wealth we have below in Nigeria.


What happen to our Agricultural sector?Nigeria’s major exports before crude oil was found was,Cocoa,Groundnuts,Rice,Palm-oil,Beans,Rubber,etc.What has happened to the following  mentioned?Why cant the Nigeria government pay attention on farming? is it because crude oil was founded? Obasanjo,publicly declares that he is a farmer!what has he contributed agriculturally to the support of Nigeria economy?The Yar'Adua era should usher in enhanced standard of living,social security,Agriculture,Potable drinkable water,building of standard road network,Building of lowcost housing Estates,Mass youths employments,infrastructural development,Stabilizes power generation and a holistic approach to solving the Niger Delta problems.Failure to attend to this basic human needs will rapidly slow this generation down without hope for the ordinary people in the society.

Nigeria must become habitable for her citizens without delayed.

Comrade Ojeremen Stephen

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