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Nigeria as Nigerians Are the Happiest People in the World

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Author: Ojeremen Stephen
Posted to the web: 5/27/2007 1:01:49 PM

My topic for discussion ‘maintaining good health in a noxious political climate and depressed economy will try to advice on health promotion and disease prevention and enhance our economic status simultaneously both at home and in Diaspora. As there are a number of speakers for this topic digging in from all directions, the likelihood for repetition cannot be completely eliminated.

 We must first define a depressed economy and a noxious political climate. In most countries, the economy is either depressed or the political situation is noxious. Unfortunately it is only in Nigeria where the economy is not only depressed but the political climate is noxious as well. This compounds the health status of the populace because it is only in a thriving economy with adequate funds set aside for the health sector and a peaceful political climate will the population thrive socially and enjoy good health. Only in Nigeria is it government policy not to talk of the ills of the society. It is only in Nigeria that individuals boast that they will produce state governors based on the facts that they have political fixers in government rather than the results of the ballot boxes.Only in Nigeria are appointments made on quota system rather than being the best candidate for the post. Only in Nigeria are Nigerians settlers rather being indigenous. Only in Nigeria are medical staff imported from overseas when there are unemployed medical staffs in the country not indigenous to that state.

 A depressed economy is one sluggish in growth or activity with features of high interest rates; increased foreign competition; a pressured, sometimes sliding, exchange rate; high unemployment rate and  lay offs, a widening merchandise trade deficit; and a growing internal debt, the result of government bailouts to various ailing sectors of the economy, particularly the financial sector. Depressed economy can lead to civil unrest, this is unlikely in Nigeria as Nigerians are the happiest people in the world and secondly the most religious people in the world looking up to heaven for the answers. Does manna still fall from heaven? Depressed economy can also lead to serious violent crimes which is common place in Nigeria. Mortality and morbidity from violent crimes add to the high figure of fatality due to accidents and violent crimes in Nigeria.

 I will define a noxious political climate as one that is detrimental to the physical, mental, psychological and social well being of the population of the nation. It is a situation where there is no rule of law or the law is made for the weak who cannot bribe their way out, where those in government are the masters rather the servants of the people, where the press is not free as should be, where there is irregular or non payment of wages for work done; where the people are totally docile about happenings around them as they have become inured, where those in authority adopt the divide and rule tactics and fan intra and inter tribal or ethnic clashes to have their way; where a discredited corrupt and vile leader will stand on the rostrum and proclaim that only God can prevent him from becoming head of state when the country is not his birthright nor is the country for sale. Only in Nigeria! Only in Nigeria and nowhere else.

 Nigeria's former military rulers failed to diversify the economy away from overdependence on the capital-intensive oil sector, which provides 20% of GDP, 95% of foreign exchange earnings, and about 65% of budgetary revenues; leaders who are totally bereft of ideas of good leadership, leaders who failed to improve on the largely subsistence agricultural sector of the economy; whose functions were to preside over how to share the national cake derived solely from the oil sector of the economy should never, ever be allowed to rule the country again.
Ojeremen Stephen

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