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Nigeria and Choices 2007

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Author: Mr Ejike Ememe
Posted to the web: 4/17/2007 6:39:09 AM

Nigeria and Choices 2007

7 days to die “choose your favourite partner”


1.      King William & die in grandeur of royalty and ( I . e Paparazzi etc)

2.      Bill Gates the second & buy almost all you want before you die.

3.      Your favourite star to comfort you before you die

4.      Mr or Mrs world and rump in bed till you die.

5.      Mr or Mrs Chef and eat your favourite dish till you die.

6.      Your preferred professional perhaps your Dr, Engineer, Army Gen to command you till you die.

7.      Mr or Mrs Ejike to have your favourite love song written just for you, Your favourite meal cooked just for you, love rump just like you want it and curdled in romance till you die.

Nigeria please choose wisely.

Time is running out for the overall development of our future

Nigeria ask yourself one question

“How Long”?

How long are we going to be overwhelmed by miss management and corruption?

We fail because we pick our favourites rather than those who are suitable.

Your brother or sister might be President how the economy is a disgrace.

Nigeria you need a breath of fresh air.

You need new ideas to progress in today’s dynamic society

Nigeria do not go for your usual suspects because you will get the usual economy.

Nigeria please do not vote for your religion or tribe because it will breed an unfair economy.

Where do you see your 8yr old child in the next 20yrs?

Believe me a situation worse than current Zimbabwe is a reality with our current frame of mind

Working together also means sharing leadership to reflect Nigeria as a whole.

A fair leadership regime attracts foreign investments.

Nigeria now needs standardisation

Standardisation knows no boundaries.

Nigeria we should not forget that it is not who is at the top that legislates but the union of congress.

A generation of people at the top is a reflection of our unity to the international community.

The international community wants to see unity and dynamism.

Nigeria do you want the next political tenure to be covered with corruption scandals or talks about foreign investments and infrastructure development?

Nigeria to be or not to be.

In order words new suspects or the usual suspects.

Nigeria and standardisation.

What is standardisation all about?

Africa has a problem with dis economies of scale because of our diversities.

Our diversities can be said to be embedded in our different religion and tribes.

Working for a better future requires standardisation.

For example English, French, Dutch etc are all forms of standardisation.

It helps bring tribes together without fear of dominance from any side.

How does standardisation help reduce cost.

Coca C “ola” is a Global and standardised product.

We all recognise it when we see it

It would be more expensive for coca cola to produce individual colour tins and labels in each continent or country.

If Nigeria were to adopt standardisation polices i.e. similar town structure and general infrastructure, she will save a lot of money producing in bulk.

For example the same school chairs books, doors, gutter system etc.

Standardisation means unity.

Nigeria are we united?

Does our history of leadership reflect our vast tribal composition?

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