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The Iran Question and Nigeria

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Posted to the web: 5/13/2006 3:48:17 PM

The question of our country's participation at the last Fizzy OIC meeting with quacks like Ahmadinajab should start to give us a cause for concern.
Firstly, we are the cultural custodian of the great black race and we are also a strong janitor for the non alligned role which Africa has been playing in the comity of nations. That is the only symbol of the black race which is still retained in us. Our warmth, hospitality and warmth which has often be exploited but also found its way into our relationship policy with the rest of the world.
This is 2006 and we are working fervently to move Africa forward, not the Ahmedinajab way. And our agenda and objectives is not even mutual. Iran and her cohorts in middle east should know how best to go about any ambitions or wranglings they have in the middle east, but we can assure them they will never get our support on there ambition only our compassion in time of distress.
If Nigeria as a secular state want to participate in OIC issues and flimsy forums, this should be off tax payers funds and not officially as representatives of the great FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA. We are not an islamic nation and we will never be in a million years to come.  President Obasanjo, should make a clear cut statement on that to revive the confidence of africans over participation in such a meeting with such fraudulent group.
 We had observers status in that syndicate without the consent of the people in 1992 under the leadership of the most low esteemed personality on earth, one Ibrahim Babangida, and our memebership has never been admitted officialy to the society till today. Its  a disgrace today that a country who went through pain and thin to secure indepence and pride of the black nation would find herself sitting at a meeting listening to a demented person like Ahmadinajab.
This is six years after the new millenium and our association is very dismal, how can our progress be secured or assured if the class of freindhsip we now take centers around ahmadinajab and countries that still center there social policies on medieval themes.
If this is a personal agenda, let it be explained, but let the rest of the world know that we do not have any relationship other than academic-diplomatic relations with nations like Iran, Sudan, Syria and the so many other never do well nations that happen to be the yolk of the fragmented group called OIC or IOC.
Iranians are great people and we have shared a great deal in cultural and social exchanges over the past 3 decades, but Nigeria will never share any cultural value with a nation like Iran of today under the leadership of a lowlife president like Ahmadinajab
This is not just an annoucement, its a communique on behalf of the Nigerian people, Africa and the black community worldwide. We are not for Iran and its cladestine gangsterism, neither would we ever be a nation of low minded, sick leadership like Iran, Sudan and North Korea

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