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The Messiah Illusions of 'Scramble Democrats'

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Author: Okah Ewah Edede
Posted to the web: 4/20/2006 1:26:42 PM

The 'third term' histrionics is really throwing up a spectacle in Nigeria's' political theatre. It has availed us the opportunity of viewing the theatrical horseplay of the (un)wanted contenders, their hocus-pocus and the domino effect - the supremacy strain. These days, my avocation is to ruffle newspaper pages and voraciously guzzle the interviews, pictures, groans, and lamentation of our erstwhile tormentors, as they, in spectre fear, tremble at the phantoms of political atrophy which, if  the third term orchestration sails through, awaits them. They know that their relevance and ill-gotten wealth  are plummetting due to long absence from the corridors of power, and they know that, if they do not want to remain perpetually outside the cozy cocoon of power, then, they must do something drastic and uncalculated. This gave raise to the ballyhoo of scramble democrats.
The precarious reality of despondent poverty, that stares the anarchist (ex) Generals and their acolytes in the face, is the sole reason why we are witnessing the phenomenal pugilism of the 'Mobutu advocates.' The phalanx of opposition arrayed against OBJ, all seem to have one thing in common: they are all from the hegemonistic core North(by birth and by ideology) who, by virtue of their cavalier disposition, had foisted Aremu on the Nigerian perimeter, in preparedness to launch an assault on our buffetted psyches, but, in one of those bizarre twist, they themself were assaulted. Their vision of glory was short lived. We, the discerning ordinary Nigerians, got something terrible to gloat over. We took to their tragedy as though it was a pure joy. For once, we saw our tormentors been tormented. I now revel in transcendental glee whenever I behold their agonized faces on newspaper pages.
IBB have been suffering silently from ghoulish phantasmagoria. His dark fantasies of political indispensibility was been diluted by a spectrum of events in the political arena. The purity of his hideous dreams was been tainted by the ugliness of reality. And so, IBB, had to give an interview. Silence was no longer the shield of honour. The evil legend had to save himself from the unrelenting byzantine terror of his phantasm or, a spin into the avalanche of political vertigo and perhaps, a sojourn into kirikiri awaits him if Obj, after his third term mirage, should handover to the likes of anti - corruption czar, Malam Nuhu Ribadu, come 2007. IBB had to give an interview. An indication that he was ready to fight for the restoration of the old order. The order of the brotherhood of thieves.
Today, the likes of IBB, Awoniyi, Buhari, Chukwumerije, Ikimi, Nwodo, Ogbe, Nzeribe, Malu, Saleh etc... Are now true democrats who wants the best for Nigeria and her people. These are the same enemies (some acted in proxy), who hounded the press, bombed Dele Giwa, imprisoned many patriots, truncated Abiola's mandate, attacked Ibru, introduced voodoo polotics, destroyed our lives and barbarized our psych through their profligate looting of the treasury. Today, their pitiful hallucinations have sequed into fever induced 'Messiah illusion.' They have been bitten by the Mahdi bug, and this explains the lunatic scramble to become democrats.
The magnetic craving for the old order have blinded the scramble democrats from seeing the web they are running into. The impulse to tackle Obj and his perceived third term project have made, these supposedly crafty marauders, to tie the apron of their relevance on the elongation charade. They have now placed themselves at the mercies of Obj. If Obj runs for third term, they will look like heroes. But if Obj decides not to run for third term, then, the scramble democrats will look like total idiots. Like senile fools.
This writer posits that Aremu will not run for third term. Mathew will use the Messiah illusions of these scramble democrats to consume them because, the hegemonist have gotten themselves all churned up by third term. At the end of the day, Aremu will glory in the bestowed beautitude of Nigerians.
BY Okah Ewah Edede

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