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The Double Victims of Depravity

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Posted to the web: 4/5/2006 9:32:49 PM

My speech to Nigeria communities in Asia.
Japan March 18th 2006.
Good leaders are visional they have the ability to read the future of the country before making  executive decisions that will avoid  any future castatrophy and  It is possible they may not be alive when the country will be enjoying their gracious contribution  but  nevertheless history will  remember them as patriot who contributed  positively to the development of the country. For example, when the justice Aguda panel was constituted in 1975 by the General Martala Muhammad and General Olusegen Obasanjo Administration to locate a suitable site in the central to all sections of the country for a new Capital Territory, General Martala Muhammad didn’t thought his Administration initiated the idea and for that reason he must be in power to implement the project, it was an idea for a future generation to benefit from and today we all have seen that the idea is not a selfish one but it is to the benefits of every Nigerians. Good leaders are not selfish; they plan for the future of a next generation and listen attentively to the voice of the people and respect their general opinion. it is not possible for one man to  transform a country into paradise; no matter how long he stays in office  and beside development it self, is a continuous process and it takes a sequential combination of different leaders with different ideas at different period to add a beautiful block cemented with democracy for a country to be above average. In a democratic environment, Power is given to the people who in return elect those who are to carry out the task of law making on their behalf in a professional arrangement  with finesse for democracy to transform their styles, opinions and ideas towards thinking what next can be gone for human life to be above any reasonable standard  given respect to  Free Election, Freedom of the  Press, Functioning Judicial System, Civil Liberties, law against Deformation of any kind, and above all respect to Democracy. But these days, lies and dishonesty are now parts of the professional life of some politicians, leaders and diplomats who are where they are today with attributes to the power play of politics most of them played on feeble Nigerians. Yesterday they gesticulate to the people but today they have failed to live up to that expectation. We told them to build a solid home for us where democracy will forever be respected but even after a perusal of the book of truth they still went ahead to built a house with greed in pursuits of their personal   goals of selfish interest leaving the destiny of our Country in the dark. Most of them are posthumous of some failed politicians and because they want to continue with the political injustice performed in the past they are double victims of depravity for patriotic Nigerians at home and abroad and weather they like it or not they must face persecutions by Nigerians back home and in the Diaspora when the right time comes. One thing that makes me to be very proud today is the Unity, Love and Understanding amongst the new generation of Nigerians in the Diaspora who have assured me that they are ready and willing to take the bull by the horns because what is going on back home is directly affecting the good position of our country and our reputations abroad.
 The postulation of the scandalous advocates for third term who are now politically double victims of depravity of  Nigerians home and abroad  is not only self centered but  also childish or premature to a common Nigerian not to talk of it being accepted by  Nigerian elites world wide  and  if the splatter pronouncement of the so called National Assembles Joint Constitutional Review Committee of the 1999 Constitution  headed by Senator Ibrahim Nasiru Mantu  is accepted or approved by the Federal House of Senate and the National House of Representative or Assembles it then means that democracy in Nigeria has no meaning. The future of the country depends on any decision they takes today and so they must be very careful to put sentiments of selfish interest away in other for the next generation of Nigerians politicians to arrive without any intention of playing also with the future of another next generation. As senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria it is their duty to stand for democracy and project the wish of the people they represent if need be dying protecting it. Approving that selfish amendment will create an unprecedented breeding ground for future senators and perhaps cruel dictators to always have an alibi to interrupt democracy any time to pave way for their heart desire to be established also. If our soldiers are afraid to die in the cost of defending our country then what confidence do Legislators and Nigerians have on them as the defender of the properties of the nation?  Politicians should defend the integrity of the country even at death while the civil Nigerians will project the image and reputation of the country.
Furthermore,  even if some sections of the law in the constitution needs to be amended to the benefits of the future of the country then, what benefits does a third term have on the country ? Nigerians are talking about the selfish deliberate deleting and amendments of the Section 137 sub-section 1(B) of the 1999 constitution which limits the tenure of the President to a maximum of two (2) term of four (4) years each and the amendment of Section 133 of the same constitution which encourage a YES and NO vote cast in an election where they is only one candidate nominated respectively.  The later it is a clear case of the Gen. Sani Abacha manipulation of all parties must nominate me for yes vote to see me through  while the first will make President Matthew Olusegun Okikiolakan Aremu Obasanjo who would have served  a fair tenure of Eight (8) years in 2007 Continue in office. This democracy is unthinkable and it is a shame that the future of about one hundred and forty million (140, 000, 000, 00) Nigerians is being risk because of one man’s ambition and if the P.D.P calls this democracy then it is to the interest of some group of people not for the interest of the Nation. On the other hand, how can a democratic government introduced a law on it self at the end of his tenure?  It is a clear case of eating your cake and wanting to have it back. We had though that even if the constitution must be amended then, it would have been proper amending it for the next government because the Obasanjo regime have almost come to the end of their tenure so introducing it for themselves to implement is like a referee introducing a law in a game he will still be a part so you can see the unpatriotic spirit behind the whole episode. I can tell from the looks of President Olusegun Obasanjo’s face on that very day he was sworn into office for his second tenure that he was not having this idea in mind before now and beside I want some one to clear me, if at all Senator Ibrahim Nasiru Mantu and his cohorts were ask to make some amendments in the Constitution then, what is there concern with the period of time a president is supposed to be in office? I ask this because I still can’t understand what the tenure of a president in office has to do with developmental programmed of a country or must Obasanjo still be there for Nigeria to develop? Amending the Constitution is a different thing creating more years for a government to still include them is of personal interest and it is very far from that democracy Nigerians are asking for. In addition it is true the bible told us that ‘’ the son of man (Jesus Christ) would be betrayed ‘’ but the disappointed part was that Judas Iscariots (a disciples of Jesus Christ) allowed himself to be used by the devil but he also paid with his life after he realized that he has been used and what he thought was wealth became hell and that hell had nothing to do with the respect of his integrity and happiness of mind.  
These double victims of depravity have not only succeeded in disgracing themselves but they have also added venom for our country to be segregated amongst countries she is supposed to be learning from. Those senators didn’t see any wrong with the constitution all this while they were enjoying in office, it is only now that they are about to relinquish office they know that the constitution need to be amended to pave more years for them to linger in office, what an attempt to attain a personal end in the name of amendment of the Constitution. Every Nigerians in the Diaspora will make sure that providence will never come their way, how can they be playing with the intelligent of millions of Nigerians like that? This is not a military regime; it is supposed to be a democratic regime. If President Olusegun Obasanjo have come out openly to explain with fairness to ‘’fellow Nigerians’’ that his Administration needs more time to put some certain things in place that will be for the interest and  benefits of the Country without coming through the back door,  I am very sure that Nigerians would have Organized a fair debate on this issue because to many of us he has performed above average, but instead he wants to  infringe a law to the detriment of democracy  handed over to him  in 1999 after so many Nigeria freedom fighters home and abroad shared their  blood, some paid with their life’s, some bulled  into exile, some still in prison  for this democracy to be a reality.  If Chief Olusegun Obasanjo can make a re-think, then he should be able to realize that his being the President today became manifested by a divined intervention after prayers by Nigerians, but today it seems he is about going into that same spiritual war with the same Nigerians. His administration didn’t even see any good vision to amend the constitution to help solve the Niger-delta problem which is the central issue of the dysfunctional part of the country today but they saw good vision to impose a secret room discussion base on selfish interest and greed on Nigerians. They saw no good vision to manage the little resources of the country because of the financial lost experienced of late from the disruption of the National business of crude oil trade, but they saw good vision to channeled huge amount of money into this unthinkable nonsense.  I wonder why Senator Ibrahim Nasiru Mantu and those greedy governors and politicians should shy away from the truth by not calling their committee ‘’LIFE PERSIDENTIAL BID FOR OBASANJO’’ rather then calling it National Assembly Joint Constitution Review Committee of the 1999 Constitution because their mission is very clear to the world. We now believed that most of the rich made their money not by succeeding in business, but by being corrupt leaders because we heard of the four hundred million Naira (400,000 000, 00) and some huge amount of Dollars pocketed by some of these double victims of depravity to approve this unfortunate amendment syndrome.
Additionally, It is not as if these double victims of depravity can not certainly tell the right from the wrong, off-cause they can, but greed and fear will not make them do so and beside most of them are Political zombies they only mimic the heart desire of their superiors instead of advocating true rules of law, honestly and transparency warped inside a complete democracy. The right thing a senator should have done is to be very frank and candid to his country, but they shy away from the truth, now tell me what hope do we have in the future of the country? Do you think Nigerians will benefit leaving the future of the Nation in their hands? This country is for everybody and it is our civic responsibility to speak what is right from our matured minds. A country is developed not by the number of years a president is in power but by the principles and policies of the government given respect to constant and stable flow of discipline and democracy collected from different leaders with different progressive ideas. A country without a flow of a constant and stable democracy can never grow let us be very frank to each other. Systematically they have killed democracy with their words that are lethal so don’t be surprises if there is a continuation of obstruction in government that will always make us  feel very bad and let me ask them. What benefits will Nigerians achieved in a constant obstruction of a stable democracy?  On the whole, the root of our slow rate of development today must be blamed on unstable Government, because every new government now have a policies of introducing a law, decree or constitution to enhanced their hidden agenda and they must also have an excess to put a blame on other governments when they have not showed us the love of truth and respect to a full definition of democracy. It is very painful to know that right from the time Nigeria have her independence, no government have relinquished office in line with our traditional constitutional provision to another government, it is either there are there to hand over to an assumed democratic government that will not even be given the opportunity to excesses the traditional constitutional rights for the vacation of office or there will be a coup, every developed counties today  have a tradition of tenure a government is to be in office. American has a tradition that even president George W. Bush will respect, Britain has a tradition that Tony Blair must respect, Russian has a tradition that President Putin can not change France, China, Singapore etc and even the newly freed South Africa has a tradition that President Thambo Mbeki will always respect because that tradition of tenure has nothing to do with the credibility, transparency, discipline and stability of any government.  In the light of the above, this generation had thought that President Olusegun Obasanjo’s Administration will put an end to this unfortunate situation because, they knew where we came from and they also knew how urgently Nigerians needs democracy, they saw us fighting to achieved it, they were here with us they know Nigerians are ready now to leave with it forever beside  we don’t want to remember those bad times again so we expected them to protect it with everything in their capacity. Nigerians need a Government that will put a stop to the frequent obstruction of a government and given respect to our traditional constitutional stipulated tenure as it has nothing to do with the abnormal sequence of the governmental governing in Nigeria history.
Conclusively, if third term is a solution to the problem of any Nigeria government then President Olusegun Obasanjo would have introduced it in 1979 when he handed power over to a democratically elected government of formal president Alhaji Shehu Musa Shagari. Lastly kindly travel with me on this journey below and see if third term can put a correction to the abnormality i am about to remind you of now,

  1.     Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe became President of the federal Republic of Nigeria from 1963 to 1966 but before then he was the Governor General from 1960 to 1963 while Sir. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was the Prime minister from 1959 to 1966. This government was obstructed and,
  2.     Major Gen. J.T Aguiyi Ironsi became the head of State in 1966 to December 1966. The Government was also obstructed and,
  3.     Gen. Yakubu Gowon became head of State in 1967 and was obstructed in 1975.
  4.     Gen.Murtala Ramat Mohammed became head of State in 1975 was also obstructed in 1976.
  5.     Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo became head of State from 1976 and with pressure handed over to a democratic government in 1979. To many of us this was the year democracy was given birth  and,
  6.     AIhaji Shehu Musa Shagari became president in 1979 but was obstructed in 1983.
  7.     Gen. Muhamadu Buhari became head of State in 1983 and was obstructed in 1985.
  8.     Gen. Ibrahim Badamasi Babandiga became head of State in 1985 and after pressure again from democrats made an unconstitutional statement of Step-aside in 1992. We are still watching his moves to step-in.
  9.     Chief Ernest Shonekon became the Chairman Int. Government in 1992 and democracy again was obstructed in November 1992.
  10.     Gen. Sani Abacha became head of State in 1992 and was stopped by nature in 1998.
  11.     Gen. Abudulsalami Abubakar became head of State in 1999 and handed democracy again back to Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in 1999.
  12.     Chief Olusegun Obasanjo became president in 1999 and he is supposed to respect the labour of our Heroes and hand over in 2007, for that unstable chain of government to be broken.

 If he does that, the next government will also do so and from then it will continue to grow in the heart of every Nigerians home and abroad that democracy will always be and we all shall be one happy people under a single nation,  single identity and under a single flag. Only then can the spell beholding that chain of unstable Government with respect to the law in a Constitution he came to meet in office will be broken. But not until that is done by President Matthew Okikiolakan Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo then nothing is gone right no matter what he says or do, nothing again will be right in the sight of every patriotic Nigerians home and abroad. His decision  today decide the fate of democracy in our country we know it must come to be even if president Obasanjo is against it ,but it will be more honorable for him if his administration takes the glory.
Thank you for listening, GOD bless you all.
 Hon. Don Efeme Mayar.
E-mail -Donmayar4life@yahoo.com
Deltan’s In Diaspora Political Power House.
E-mail -deltastppower_world@yahoo.com.my

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