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Third-Term Agenda: Another Manifestation of the Elites' Recurring Conspiracy

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Posted to the web: 3/2/2006 4:45:03 AM








There use to be a popular saying that “God Loves Nigerians more than Nigerians love themselves. Consciously or unconsciously, people make this assertion on reflection or observations of many crisis-laden scenarios out of which the country emerged without drowning into anarchy. Some people go to the extent of committing blasphemy, by trying to imagine, in their own shallow understanding that after all, God might be a Nigerian! May He be exalted, God is over and above any affiliation. The fact is that most of the crisis prone events which put Nigerians in consternation or serious State of eerie have been handiwork of selfish elites, who in their struggle for power have always taken the advantage of somehow gullible psyche of the teeming populace, or rather taking undue civility of Nigerians-to put it less harshly.

          The episodes are replete in the chequered history of Nigeria from independence. Elites had at different times exploit hopeless situations to advance their selfish goals. They use socio-political and religious differences as their potent weapons in different ways. At the moment, and in their power tussle for relevance come 2007, the situation is becoming tenser by the day.

 Unfortunately, the press is being negatively used in this elite’s diabolic warfare. Thus, through the elites – controlled media, Nigerians are being sensationalized to think that if caution is not exercised, the nation may break-up in the near future.

          In fact, American Intelligence had already made that prediction most gruesomely and dreadfully. Speculations sometimes constitute elaborate bedrock for scientific research and findings. Coming as it did from highly “intelligent species” of humanity, the validity of the report has been taken as gospel-truth. As the nation bleeds and sinks further and further, at what rate is the hopeless situation is expected to translate into inevitable collapse or disintegration? One might think that America was making its statement out of malice but for sure America’s stand is no more than beaming its periscope on whatever it finds expedient in the protection of its interests in the present and future Nigeria. And, some people may not subscribe to the view that the Nigerian situation is kind of “Jaga-Jaga” one-for people are not “eating from the refuse hedge”.

          Whatever opinion one subscribes to, the fact is that if some well-organized, developed and sophisticated nations like Soviet Union could disintegrate Nigeria’s crumbling would certainly be a child’s play. Patriotic Nigerians will no doubt be sad with the slightest of inkling that would wish the nation ill. Moreso, as the consequences that come along with such a break-up will definitely be disastrous. If Nigeria could break-up so simply; and so gently with all stakeholders taking their different directions and with friendly salutations and kind wishes, then nobody would have any cause to worry. But in consideration of the usual violence and inhuman sufferings which millions of people have experienced around the world following such break-ups, sane people will have cause to lose their sleeps.

          Obviously, the current controversies surrounding the “third term” agenda is one of such heinous weapons usually employed by elites to assault the psyche of the ordinary people of this country. Such hues and cries in the past relating to elections results, population census, Shari’a, June 12, power shift etc had at different times put the caring citizens of Nigeria in serious consternations. Nobody is advocating that these crucial events should be disregarded. It is also obvious that at different stages of its evolution, the Nigerian State has been blessed by God from drifting into anarchy. However, most issues being sensationalised have been overblown by elites in their struggle to control the machinery of governance.

          Today, as in the yester years, the tussle for power among elites is brewing up – old wine in new bottle, as they say. The hullabaloo on “Third Term” is hence the national discourse. What is third term? Is it Agenda, Plan or a Blue-print for action; who are involved and who are stakeholders; for whose interest and benefits? Who stands to loose, who is concerned, who should loose his sleep These and similar questions have been variously raised at different fora and in different forms and contexts.

          Undoubtedly, then, both the protagonists and antagonists of the third term agenda are once more engaged in a recycling dialogue; a dialogue on subject matters which affects them alone. To the ordinary citizens of this country who are drenched in a bottomless pit of apathy all these cries are but rumbles and ranting of the mad. But as Shakespeare would have it – “there is joy in madness”. It is perhaps their joys which have so much overwhelmed the dramatis personae of the unfolding “third term” drama not to have any concern – really then, nobody is loosing his sleep. The joys of the elites across all divides lie in the fact that they are over and above worries of basic needs; they, and their kinsfolk and friends have a kind of immunity against hunger; they could afford all medicaments, including overseas medical–check-ups. Their children and wards could be sent to overseas Colleges and Universities. NEPA or PHCN- re-organised or not, has little or no negative impact on their lives. Over and above all, they calculate their fortunes, not in Naira but in Dollars, Pounds and Yen.


          The joy in their madness is also visible in their lethargy; in their deadened consciousness and in their considerable disdain to poor fellow-human beings; basking in their materialistic schizophrenia, they will go to any extent to ensure their loots keep in soaring to the highest canopies, possible. They may seem to be at each other’s throat in struggle to control political power but they also dread violence, even though they are the least victims. So they could reach a compromise behind closed doors sometimes in nocturnal and fetish meetings which are rarely exposed; mostly, in particularistic cases- when a god-son tries to overshadow a god-father.

 Invariably, then the clamour for third term is but re-incarnation of recurring elites hypocrisy in their inordinate pursuit of power. The material world is at the pinnacle of their hopes and aspirations – they will use all arsenals at their disposal to remain in power. The most saddening aspect of this hypocrisy is when religious, tribal and sectional sentiments are used as potent weapons of assault.

          The fact that Obasanjo and other political office holders and elites who have been gleaning this country will have to fight other elites who are in the cold is no doubt a perpetual struggle of elites. The lies, deceits attacks and counter-attacks, intrigues and any behaviour adopted by the conflicting parties are sheer re-incarnation of such episodes. As sordid, dastardly, mean and gruesome they may seem they have been manifestations of elites conspiracy. People are wont to point accusing fingers at Obasanjo, believing that he has been masterminding the Third Term Plot.

 Whether these views are plausible or not, and whether they are rancorously churned up by mischief makers and detractors, the fact is, from the President to the remotest Local government Councillor (and indeed, among all beneficiaries of power at all tiers and organs of government), it will be extremely difficult to find somebody who will not extend hands of support to the Third Term subterfuge.  Point to anybody who would willingly relinquish power and I will tell you that he was never zealous in capturing it at the very onset. It is easier for a person who has been indoors while it rains to go out to go out and get drenched than somebody who has taken shelter for a while.

 No doubt, ghosts are hunting all selfish and self-righteous beneficiaries of the caricature that is called democracy in Nigeria; ghosts of Abiolas, who would have thought that the struggle of June 12 was an honest and sincere one; ghosts of Abachas who must have been jeering and saying, “after all, we are birds of same feathers, what a shame”!   

          As for 2007, Third Term or not, people of wisdom will discern that Divine Plan can not be thwarted or frustrated by evil. More than anything else, God is exalted in Power; He can therefore confer His Blessings on the most unlikely people. Indeed, God has always been Merciful, especially to people whose affairs (are not by their own making) in the hands of reckless lunatics, for as expressed by one philosopher, “evil often triumphs but never conquers”. Nigerians must keep on praying!

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