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Do Sumthing! International

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Author: Dumebi Agbakoba
Posted to the web: 2/28/2006 5:57:47 PM

An insight of Do Sumthing! International
A host of innumerable problems plague our country Nigeria. Many years have come and gone yet these problems have persisted; corruption, poverty, poor healthcare system, lack of electricity to name a few. A host of Nigerian youths have had the privilege to study abroad and acquire degrees. However, not all are blessed with such opportunity.We visit our motherland during holidays and we constantly complaining about the declining problems, yet no one lifts even a finger to do a thing.

Our older generation have run out of ideas, their zeal for a great Nigerian had weakened. They are not moving the country forward as quickly as they had done during their youthful age. We the youths are smart, intelligent, zealous and have brilliant ideas. But we are not allowed the opportunity to express these ideas because of the prevailing negative conditions that frustrate our efforts to make a difference to our communities. We are concerned youths and we want a change. We will make this change. This country needs good living conditions, electricity, good roads, water supply and good education. These basic amenities can be provided for Nigerians. We can afford it.

Had our educational system been good, we would rather not be sent to another country to get a degree; instead we will be happy to stay at home and make our contributions towards a changing Nigeria. The Nigerian Government needs to affect its agenda for total reformation to do Sumthing about the current situation. I am a concerned youth in Diaspora and because of these problems I have decided to include my effort through a project for Nigeria called 'Do Sumthing'.

What’s not to love about Nigeria? We are known to be one of the happiest and cheerful people around the world; we are hardworking and always willing to lend a helping hand. We have abundant resources such as oil, bitumen, tin, agriculture and information technology. The entertainment industry is blossoming and extremely profitable. But lack of electricity, poverty, and poor healthcare is a weight we cannot afford to hang on to any longer.The aim of this project is to make Nigeria a better place for everyone to live. We are concerned youths who will make a difference and improve Nigeria no matter how long it will take. We are resilient; Doing Sumthing means that these issues need to be faced and tackled so Nigeria can be a better place for the younger generation. The whole concept is simple. The Nigerian Youths in Diaspora have an advantage to channel their broadly acquired experience, skill and exposure to improve our national values, inspire a change and engineer solutions to emerging concerns.

A sad story was told about a house cleaner that had given birth to a premature baby and she could not afford the hospital bill. The doctors refused to treat her premature baby and her baby eventually died. This was her only child. Couldn’t the doctors have just treated the baby? That’s the question I asked first. It’s so sad, what would she tell her husband?We have heard many sad stories in Nigeria, the things that happen and its time to put a stop to it.

 A number of events are being planned in the U.K, America and Nigeria. The first event will be during the month of July in Lagos, it will be a presentation of all the points, issues and problems we have raised on the website which will be presented to parents, Youths and Government officials. This event will cater for all age groups; it will be entertaining, informative and educational. There is a website dedicated to this cause please have a look; there is a forum which anyone can join and leave messages. The website is www.dosumthing.com. The website aims to bring together all Nigerians around the world and relay their thought and ideas as to how we can all move Nigeria forward.

With this project I hope to set up a program for children where by will we host talks, outdoor activities and a summer camp for students. The program will consist of community service, career talks and talent shows. We want to sensitise children and teach them at early stages the importance of having a career, human rights, and patriotism.
This is a long-term project, it will exist until a permanent and more positive change is made in Nigeria.

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