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The Scandalous Advocates For Term

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Posted to the web: 2/26/2006 11:11:18 PM

                                       THE SCANDALOUS ADVOCATES FOR THIRED TERM
                                                           HON. DON EFEME MAYAR
  FEBUARY.2006                                donmayar4life@yahoo.com   
President Matthew Okikiolakan Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) personally has never on news-papers, press conference or television interview, or anywhere said he will be breaching an agreement he took by oath when he was sworn into office on May 29th 1999. base on  this conspicuous truth, when I take a look at the political scenario clouding the atmosphere of the country today I quickly realized that some group of people are only making things difficult for themselves  not for President Olusegun Obasanjo. On the other hand if President Olusegun Obasanjo persists to buy the ideas of those scandalous advocates telling him to linger in power beyond the terminus of his tenure of 2007, then I honestly say without fear that he will be making a big terrible mistake. Although we read this jest from news papers and magazines but I still believe it is not an enough evidence to prove him as the architect of this perplexed political crisis, in this vain I honestly wish Nigerians to stop pouring out venom on him or be asking for his neck to be cut off now  because, like I said before he is not the originator of this unpatriotic conspiracy mission. It is a brain child of some scandalous advocates wishing to perpetuate them selves in power under the aegis of THIRD TERM for Obasanjo as a political ornament. I only pray and hope that Chief Matthew Okikiolakan Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo, the President that have distinguished himself in my generation will not succumb to those garrulous traitors who will defame his personality and good records. Most of them are the Political descendants of failed and dishonest Politicians who were parts of the chains-reaction that destroy the personalities and Administrations of General Ibrahim Babangida (rtd) and General Sani Abacha (late).
Furthermore, When I take a second glance at the game-plan of Senator Ibrahim Nasiru Mantu and his joint constitution Review committee members in collaborations with those State Governors and some political scaremongers calling for the president to linger himself in office more then necessary, I immediately agreed that it is either they are not confidence of them selves or they are just political zone-bees because I believe that they are supposed to respect democracy not to destroy it. Yesterday, they sworn to oath before innocent Nigerians promising to respect democracy to it fullest, but today they betrayed that trust by not reciprocating that confidence bestowed on them in the table of honesty before every Nigerians. Not that alone, they went furthered to give this same democracy they sworn to respect a stab at the back. Habba, Na so una bi?
Most times, I seat down gapping to wonder if these selfish politicians have ever thought of the repercussions of Perjury. I don’t think they understand. I want them to put it at the back of their mind that, their imposing status is not a guarantee for them to think that they can get impunity anywhere in the world when this deplorable game eventually falls back on them. The Machineries of every Patriotic New Generation Nigerians in the Diasporas world wide will make them very uncomfortable. We have been watching with shame and disgrace from far away, long enough but this time around we are more capable to correct them with the discipline Language they will live to understand, it is not a treat but a promise. It is very pathetic to understand that instead of thinking of how to infused discipline for the next Generation to emulates they are planning to play the protagonist in the Nigeria politics with backdated ideas, that will not only affects the reputations of Nigerians abroad but will also make the masses back home shared that same tears of bitterness they once thought has gone into history, shame unto those scandalous advocates. Their intention is to linger in the political stream of the Nigeria politics whereby subjugating the rising sun from shining with honestly and might, killing also the sacrifices most of us in the Diasporas have made to ensure that democracy have a resting place in Nigerian politics. They are no doubts political traitors with inarticulate reasons to necessitate the amendment of the Nigeria constitution. They just  woke-up from their slumber and were yelping that in a country of about one hundred and forty million people (140,000,000,000) there are no competent, benevolence, impeccable political potentials that are  capable to pilot Nigerians to a safe landing given regards and respect to a complete definition of the word democracy. Those shortsighted politicians need to understand that, in this genuine world we are today, the rising sun is more preferable to the one that has already set.  I honestly want Nigerians to ask those Politicians trying to contravene the time table of democracy in Nigeria what their vision really is? The constitution has nothing to do with the political, social and economic problems we have in the country today, there amending it is an alibi to pave way for their third term bids. The dividends of democracy they promised to bring to the door-step of their electorates have not seen the light of the day, yet they still want to divest the young coming impeccable politicians the privileged to advocate a true rule of the principle of equality of rights opportunity and treatments. How can a preacher of law who is supposed to teach by examples now make himself an element of what he preaches against? If our law makers, those Governors and other unpatriotic politicians  are elements of devious characters then which way should we go? It is a disgrace and shame to see all this happening at the epic of when Nigerian is wining backs her good Image and reputation that was long lost before the international communities. Heaven helps those ungrateful ones who want to turn the hands of the clock back-ward. Every Patriotic Nigerians in the Diasporas promised you will never succeed in your elicit attempt to perpetuates your selves in power by using THIRED TERM FOR OBASANJO as a cover-up.
 Furthermore, they have threw away the coat of honesty and are now wearing the garments of betrayer  as you can understand from what they are agitating for. After a perusal of the Nigeria pledge they all sworn ‘’I pledge to Nigeria my country, to be faithful loyal and honest, to serve Nigeria with all my strength, to defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory, so help me GOD ‘’ Where are the faithfulness, the loyalty and the honesty that they promise given us by implication of reciting the Nigeria pledge? Or is the word Nigeria in that pledge not refereeing to the people or the masses? Instead of being faithful, loyal and honest and to defend the unity of Nigerians, they are trying to impose the opposite of a true democracy on us, and they want GOD to help them? It is a natural phenomenon that will always come to be no matter how they try and it is still the only good reason why no President or head of States has succeeded in this line of arrangement in the past. An honourable death is better than a disgraceful failure, those inconsequential politicians and people are the problems we have in Nigeria not Chief Olusegun Obasanjo.   I am not comfortable in American in Europe or in Asia any time I step forward to declare my self as a Nigerian because of the degree this supercilious linger crisis gingered by those scandalous advocates as damaged the good reputation of our President.
My patriotic Nigerians in the Diasporas and back home, President Olusegun Obasanjo’s name should be left out for now unless there is glaring evidence proving him as the architect of the bitter political disorderliness designed to destroy the improved international ranking of the country. The impression that Chief Olusegun Obasanjo is the master planer may be improbable. On- the-other- hand, I gathered from a reliable source that Mr. President has no intension of staying  in office after 2007,  even after the crashed of the Bellview Air-plane Boeing 737 that claimed  the lives  of  some  of his honest politicians, amongst whom  was  Waziri Mohammed whom he  was willing to relinquished his office for. Those so called scandalous advocates ignited this political inferno when they gave the President the impression that the crashing  of the Bellview Air-plane was a conspiracy by some power brokers who are after him and that he must hold on to power to be able to marched-up with  the political web arrangement of those so-called powerbrokers. They went further to implant in his mind that the power brokers will do everything possible to get the ticket of the Presidency and after which they may use it as an avenue to pay  him  the coins for refusing to be use as a smoke scream which  they planted  him for.
 I honestly believe that President Olusegun Obasanjo has been very affable even after when he won a second term ticket but he must be very careful as not to destroy the good image that will make him a hero in Nigerian history. Even with the vicious Politicians circling him he still address some fundamental issues facing the country in a one man riot method thus given better hope for Nigerians that discipline and real democracy has come to stay in the country. There is no doubt he has contributed immensely to the improving of the Nigerian communications, Transportations, improved the  lives of  civil workers  compared to how  it was before and fighter of corruption, but even then, many still need to be done but in a sequential  democratic procedure from  different  ideas from different brains with out democracy being obstructed as it is in other developed countries. I honestly want him to leave with honnour. When he became president we thought it was one of those games but as time went by it became very clear to us that GOD have answered our prayers to put to an end our political chaos so, he should not force himself on Nigerians. I believe he should remember what happed to our past leaders who tried to stay in power more then necessary. I want to remind you Mr. President that you should not forget that your being the President of this great country today was possible with credits to a divine intervention after every Nigerians Christians and Muslims, non religious believers and pagans went on fasting and praying to their faith, this Divine Power intervened to stop General Sani Abacha the last man who respected  the views of those scandalous advocates. You can cook for Nigerians to eat Mr. President but when each and every Nigerians comes together to cook for you there is no miracle that can make you consumed it all in your belly. Or was it not in that same Aso Rock General Ibrahim B. Babangida was? How about General Sani Abacha? Or have you forgetting the intimidating drama of ‘’whom the cap fit let him wear it’’? How a military cap will automatically change to a civilian cap? Those so called third term crusaders are unpatriotic Nigerians they have no good intention for you Mr. President. If PETER should denial JESUS CHRIST then whom do you think will not denial you when it turns against you? On the other hand, how about those that were yelling Babangida must stay as president; Abacha is the only capable or experience man that can save Nigeria. Ask the families of Marian and Miriam if they have ever set there eyes on them again? They all scamper. Babangida told us that he was not the one behind the annulment of June 12th.if that is true, I am sure that those who misled him have forgotten him while his name and that of his families is being radical.  I adverse you not to lick from their confectionery they are all superficial love. You made history as the first Nigerian military solder who voluntary handed over power to a democratically elected government in 1979. You also made history as the first Retired Military General to be democratically elected as President, Chief Executive and commander-in chief of the Nigeria Arm forces in 1999, finally complete the good history to become the first elected civilian President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to respect  democracy when you relinquished  office  after the completion of a successful two (2) term  in 2007, I  tell you  the world will duff their hats for you and your name will be forever mentioned among respected Crusaders of Democracy like Formal President Nelson Mandela of South African, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and many others. I am with the view that the honest thing an adviser should do is to be very frank and candid to his boss. These were some of the mistake that destroyed the personalities of some past presidents. Their advisers were only mimicking the heart desire of their boss instead of telling them the truth. Is it not better to fall out with the President by telling him the truth and save a name then to stand along with him for a journey of fatality?
In addition also,  as a formal Chairman of the African Union (A.U) it will be appalling  if Chief Olusegun Obasanjo makes himself a victim of what he has warned  other leaders not to be  involved. He rebuked  presidents of other countries whom were thinking of killing democracy in African  and declared it  as a barbaric approached to improvement and civilization and even said it will draw   back the clock of Africans, so I don’t see any reason why he should  turn to that same approach. Nigeria vision should be respected, her  integrity should be respected, and that perseverance and courage also should be respected also, this were the qualities that  made Nigerians  one happy people over the years irrespective of the hard time we have experience in the hands of past tyrant leaders. President Matthew Okikiolakan Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo, you are the only president  I have respected in my Generation I cried in my heart to find you in this position but I only pray that you should use your wisdom to jump over the lying lips of those telling you to kill Democracy in my Generation. Remember nothing last forever you can’t change it.
There is another political drama causing silent  chaos in the country today  infect  it is the most  sensitive  and it is the  issue of past Military Presidents, head of States Retired Military Generals, formal Military State Administrators and other past Military positions holders who are interested  to be fully involve in politics after they have resigned from Military/Administrative active services. They even went as far as to be holding meetings on this issue; well I think I honestly say at this junction with-out fear also that those Generals will only help to facilitate the spread of the political inferno that is already burning in the country. It might even bring the understanding of one being apprehensive for that forum not to be use for a draconic arrangement as President Olusegun Obasanjo still is thinking. The continuing punk-nosing of those Retired Generals in the political arrangements in the country will aggravate the democratic process. History has proved them non-respecters of democracy and also we have come to understand that they don’t have the aptitude for politicking. It will honour them more to concentrate on how to equipped the Nigerian army with sophisticated military outfits, ideas or adverse or make financial donations from the billions of dollars in their international account to strengthen the armed and to improve the Nigeria police force. They should remember that the army gave them the privileged to be past leaders; hence it will be very encouraging and interesting if they should be associated with   projects that will uplift the legacy of that symbol which they belong. From the beginning, they were not politicians and by evidence on how they ran the administration of the country in the past it is very clear that they are not gifted to be president after Obasanjo or at any time in the near future. Personally, I plead to all Nigerians to forgive them but only when they respect themselves by going back home, stay with their families and relatives and forget politics. If any politicians disappoint us we can come out openly to say so without the fear of being victimized by guns. Remember, once a solder is always a solder.
Conclusively, President Olusegun Obasanjo environment should be conducive so as for him to  be able  to step out into the carpets of respect and honour which will give him visa free to visit any part of the world and will be welcome as a patriotic father by Nigerians. Formal Military leaders should please evacuate the political tarmac to allow true politicians enroll to broad the presidential flight to a better destination in a better atmospheric condition.   
On behalf of the truthful Nigerians in the Diasporas I call on you Mr. President not to listen to those Scandalous advocates Save your name and join the great men some of whom are still marching in the filed of Pride and dignity today and you will surely see that your enemies will run when they see you because my prayer, the Diasporas prayers and that of the people of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria put together will protect you in all that you do and say. Your children I tell you will be highly respected any where in the world.
Long live the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Long live Nigerians in the Diasporas
Thank you for reading.
Hon. Don Efeme Mayar,
President/Co-ordinator, Deltans In Diaspora Political Power House.
Vice President Nigerians In Diaspora National Political Organization.-Asia.
Fax…42527721, 42707994.

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