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Project Nostradamus

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Author: Okah Ewah Edede
Posted to the web: 2/21/2006 6:47:10 AM

In life nothing is ever constant, the only permanent thing is change. Change is dynamic and always in rhythm. The best way to assure continuity in any system is, to adopt the cardinal and fundamental tenets of change: constant motion and fluidity. When these principles are applied, then development, maturity, and positive metamorphosis will be firmly institutionalized and form the bedrock of stability and assurance in that particular system. Growth will become an inherent aspect of that system, while internal contradictions, by parallel, will be drastically curtailed and stunted.
      Nigeria is a perfect reflection of the dynamics of change and its accruing benefits and backlash. Change in our political palette brings about beautiful colours which are used to paint the polity in pleasant hues. Let it be known and noted that any attempt, whatsoever, to remain rigid, insusceptible and insubservient to the strong current of change is always fatal and usually end in mortal infliction of very painful injuries. Nigerian history and our tumultuous odyssey through the years is a case study that will prove this dialectical dissertation as one truism.
       Gowon is our first experiment at the sit-tight escapade: for nine years, Gowon ruled this country and adamantly refused to relinquish power. He refused to kowtow to the dynamic dictates of change. Stagnation is never permanent. Change snapped him into two. For daring to relish the 'Mobutu' syndrome, Gowon was broken. Gowon, a war hero, had to hide his head in shame on exile in London. After the murder of Gen. Murtala Muhammed, Gen. Obasanjo wrote his name in gold by being the first military dictator to handover power to a civilian administration. Automatically he became a statesman, which later paid off in the future as he was returned to the throne of the presidency.
       IBB happens to be our next 'Mobutu' emulator. IBB ruled Nigeria for eight years, and instead of bowing out when the ovation was glorious, he chose to be the 'Machiavellian Maradona' in the annal of Nigerian history. IBB's case is quite pathetic and educative. Here is one leader who endeared himself to the Nigerian people through evil manipulation of charismatic hypnotism. Change has no undiluted fury for unrepentant despots and so, charismatic IBB had to scurry into a rat-hole in Minna, and since then have become the infamous recipient of vitriolic vituperation and foul smelling commendations. No wonder the duo of Gowon and IBB are now involved in the duet: ' Aso Rock is sweet, but do not attempt an overstay, learn form our mistakes.'
       The most glaring of this folly, is Abacha of unmemorable memories. Abacha had the fortune of ample contemporary history to learn from, but was stung my the Messianic mosquito which carries the 'Nebuchadnezzar' fever. He had a spectrum of failed leaders to study from, and save himself the headaches of the 'Mobutu' syndrome. But in a mercurial manner, parallel to the fundamentals of dynamic change, he allowed mercantile sycophants to sing him into embarking on 'project Nostradamus' which earned him the title: the Devil's incarnate. Today, even his family still have the Abacha name hanging like the sword of Damocles over their head. If Abacha hadn't resisted positive change, the story would have been quite different today.
       Gen.  Abdulsalem Abubarkar is definitely no saint. But because he subjected himself to the will of continuity, Nigerians now hold him dear. Gen. Abdulsaleme can walk the streets of Nigeria without any negative molestation. But may the Devil tempt the 'Mobutu' Generals to attempt such a stroll. They will be lynched and sent to have supper with Abacha, wherever he may be. Abdulsalem's submission to the dictates of change brought about Obasanjo, who brought NAFDAC, EFCC, ICPC, BANK CONSOLIDATION, PRIVATIZATION and DEBT RELIEF. Because of these wonderful gains of OBJ, silhouette mercantile sycophants are at it again: they are beating the drums of 'Nebuchadnezzar-ism' and OBJ is beginning to shake his feet in readiness for a gyration. But the clincher is: will he dance to the macabre rhythm of third term or to the cool melody of change? Only 2007 can tell.
       In summary, I want OBJ to realize that those sycophants, from the moment they were born... no... more appropriately, from the moment they were conceived, they were steeped in sin, drowned in mortal vice: horrible, perpetual, inescapable - they are totally corrupt. I want him to know that though I honour his economic reforms, I dislike his politics. I believe he was actively involved in voodoo elections and politics, yet, I see him as a badman with  good intentions. I believe he is beginning to enjoy the Messiah chants of the mercantile choristers, yet, I have faith in him that he won't take that plunge. Though I do not support any third term aspiration, I will rather not see him handover the reigns of governance to infinitely corrupt ethno-political juggernauts. The only way out of this imbroglio is for OBJ to conduct a transparent and level-ground elections without any voodooed histrionics.

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