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Words of Wisdom

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Author: Ejike Ememe
Posted to the web: 2/15/2006 3:50:41 PM

This is to enlighten the mind before the publication of my Literature

'Modern Slavery', 'Cold' and a Book of Poem titled 'Narations of a surpressed Mind'


Quotes by Ejike Ememe



    “What it means to love is to be loved”.


    “Everything I am defies category”.


    “We cannot reinvent the wheel however we can make it go faster”.


    “Human diversity is only the differences we see in others;


            It transcends geographic boundaries”.


    “Forgiveness is only political with an unrepentant mind”.


    “Politics has an agreeable alternative to the same opinion”


    “Variety is Sustainability”


    “Perfection can also be discriminating”


    As a private entity I am accountable to myself and loyal to myself

            “Corruption is bush fire”

            Government is bush and Africa is corrupt because she is predominantly government


    “Solution is a good understanding of the problem”


    “Illiterate is a weapon”


    “The truth about God lies with the credibility of its origin”.

             In order words that man is a liar




Elaborating on my quote after a lot of thought:


“Illiterate is a weapon”


We all missed the joke when Macbeth exclaimed!

“Is this a dagger that I see before me” When he saw his girl friend approaching.


He had just finished reading the book of genesis from the bible and the story of Samson and Delilah.


Hamlet also exclaimed “Frailty thy name is woman”.


Men are said to be cleverer than women so I generalised this quote between men and women.

On a different note:

When leadership titles were formulated women were still comfortable at home

I believe we have a lot more to come after Mrs Johnson and Baroness Thatcher therefore we should title their status in recognition of many more to come.

Appropriate titles for female Leadership


“President” for Male


“Presidencia” for Female


“Prime Minister” for Male


“Prime Minstress” for Female


“Minister” for Male


“Minstress” for Female
On a different note:
I wrote this poem in response to the inhumane life I live.



Save a life.


Where do we start?

I thought about given blood

Hang on;

“Is it all about saving lives or hungry vampires?”

In such a wicked society what’s the point.

I think I should save it just for me and family


Call an ambulance and save a life

Stop the violence and save a life

Care for one another and save a life.


Stress also kills

There is so much we can do

Why do one and ignore others



I hope you enjoyed my humour and thought.

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