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Trust Your Man

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Author: Folake Aina
Posted to the web: 2/4/2006 7:30:59 AM

Isn’t it true that trust is the foundation of all good  relationships. Good marriages, good relationships, good business relationships, good friendships all require trust. For any lasting relationship there must be trust While you cannot control whether other people give you their trust, you can control your actions towards them. You can determine to give others your trust.
Have you ever thought of the fact that the only way you can make someone trustworthy is by trusting him. Have you ever been in a situation where you went out of your way to buy something or do something for someone, that cost you something or you even added your money to please this person, but the person, even though he/she did not actually say it, insinuated that you ripped them off.Do you remember how you felt? How come we do the same thing to those around us that hurt us when others do it to us. Someone is putting his best into his work to make you happy, and you just think he cannot be for real. There just has to be a catch. He/she must be up to something. He just must want something.
Or a scenario where someone goes out to buy you some thing, and you just feel that the price was inflated. That is the fastest way to make people cheat on you. When they put all their integrity into doing things for you, and you do not believe it, then they figure out “ Why not do the very thing they have already been convicted of ”. It takes a leap of faith to put your trust in another, especially someone you do not know very well. But the truth is, if you expect to be trusted by others, you must learn to begin to trust others.. A great intellectual once said “ The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes than he who distrusts them”. It is a risk worth taking. There are so many women in relationships today, who find no place for trust. You expect the man to trust you, but you are always searching his pockets, reading his texts, opening his letters and e-mails like you just were expecting to find something. You are driving round his office everyday like you expect to catch him red-handed with a babe. Imagine it the other way around. He is always in your closet, shaking your clothes, checking out the food you cook, always suspicious of everything you give him to eat, and the gifts you give him, like you were about to poison him or jinx him. You stroke his hair and he almost leaps out of his shirt like you were about to place a voodoo on him. How would you feel. If you agree that it surely does not feel good, you have to get out of that secret service act. Just like you want to be trusted, the men need the trust from you as well. Listen to me. The truth is most men these days have too many things on their chest that they wish you would share with them and support them (morally at least )with than running all over town with any thing in mini skirts. Have you noticed how unlike before the men have their eyes glued to a news paper when they are driven , or their eyes focused on their driving that they just consciously do not want to se any babe walking down the streets. Come-on.!!!! Let us give it to the men. Majority of them try these days to stick to the straight and narrow path. Lets give it to them, and give them the benefit of the doubt. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Right? I know you have all the defense about stuff that happened to so and so. How Mrs so and so trusted her husband, and she caught him with her best friend. There are too many stories .But for crying out loud, Give peace a chance in your life this year. You deserve it. I have always told you that your peace of mind cannot be compromised. Are you not tired of all that stuff? All you will get from them is high blood pressure. Make up your mind this year to try a little trusting . infact…… a lot of trusting. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt. You will find out that you feel better and a lot happier. You can’t have peace looking for trouble all over the place. You lose your sleep, you waste your time at your secret service assignment, and most of the time you find out that there was nothing to worry about in the first place. Don’t compromise your peace of mind. Put your thoughts and your time to better use this year. If you must achieve good success, you must trust others, and be trust worthy yourself. If you do not have trust, there can be no open and honest interaction and the relationship will only be temporary. I am not saying you cannot get burnt sometimes trusting. People will always be people. What I am saying is that it is safer and wiser in the long run to trust. Trust until you are given a reason not to.

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relationships, Trust Your Man, Folake Aina, Good marriages, good relationships, good business relationships, good friendships, trust

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